Hey guys, guess it's been a while. WHATEVS, IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE! And here is an exciting assortment of goth Christmas music for when you just wanna feel all spooky and wintry and ghostly. Let's get Dickensian for a moment and explore the darker side of Christmas!
I had actually never heard this before. It's pretty amazing. Siouxsie and Budgie actually have a few ties to Christmas. For instance, The Banshees' version of the French Christmas Carol,"Il Est Ne Le Divin Enfant." The video features a teeny-tiny Robert Smith playing cymbals that look bigger than him!
And of course, there's the Christmas Party scene in Batman Returns where the Banshees song "Face to Face" plays:
click here, they disabled embedding.
But enough of Siouxsie. What about Alien Sex Fiend?!
"Enjoy this Christmas....IT MIGHT BE YOUR LAST!"
There's always the Cocteau Twins versions of "Frosty the Snowman " and "Walking in a Winter Wonderland," which are just weird if you ask me (did they pick such cheesy songs because it would be too obvious for them to do some sort of traditional Christmas carol?) . However, I always look at "Lorelei," off the album Treasure as a Christmas song. Hard not to, what with all the synthesized bell chimes.
This is one of my favorite Christmas songs, courtesy of one of my heroes, Kate Bush.
My favorite version of this was taken off the internet, so you should look for it-it's got jingle bells and spooky choir voices in the background. The video featured her snuggled up in a chair and throwing confetti snow in the air like a crazy person making those intense "cat-about-to-pounce" eyes.
Technically,this one isn't a Christmas song, but he references Christmas and December, it makes ME feel Christmassy, and that's enough.
So there you have it. I will probably think of more eventually. In the meantime, send me your suggestions! And have a very spooky Christmas!