Anyone who has found me here has probably noticed I have barely any posts. I'm using this blog space primarily as a hub for my projects,so if you would kindly direct your attention to the right, there's a column with all of my junk. THANKS, DUDES.
MoCCa was pretty much a success-we sold a lot of copies of Taffy Hips, talked to a lot of potential contributors, I sent some Lolita goths who make cool stickers home with a copy of my 1920s zine, sold some of my own stuff, and traded with a bunch of really cool people. I found out about Heather Benjamin, who draws the awesome zine "Sad People Sex." You can find it here:
Printed Matter. Trust me, it kicks ass-pornographic line drawings of fiendish bleeding and crying people. IT'S GREAT!
Here are the two zines I was hawking (yeah, I only finished formatting two in time):

And here are some new (glittery!) water color drawings:

Zines are up for grabs-just email me. I'm selling the water colors for cheap cheap.